Intense Laser Pulses Group

Equipment –  Intense Laser Pulses Group – Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Ulrich Teubner

The following list shows a selected number of devices available to the Intense Laser Pulses Group. Additional basic material for teaching and demonstrations is available as well.

excimer laser and station for micro structuring (18mJ, 5ns, 300Hz)
industrial material processing possible

femtosecond laser system (800nm, 1mJ, 150fs, 1kHz)

OPCPA system (sub-10fs, <1mJ)

Nd:YAG laser station (w, 2w, 3w;60-450mJ, 6ns, 10Hz)

Nd:YAG laser double cavity for PIV (w, 2w; 2*170mJ@532nm, 5ns)

fully equipped (3D) fs-laser (sub-)microstructuring station

vacuum chamber for high intensity laser interaction experiments

Spatial light modulators (for 2d spatial and 1d temporal shaping)

various efficient spectrometers (for range between 5 Å and 1 mm)

X-ray and EUV/XUV optics (e.g. high-quality gracing
incidence mirrors, XUV multilayer, mirrors, gratings)

intensified slow-scan CCD system

backside illuminated CCD camera system

beam diagnostics, profilers, wave front sensor and standard equipment of optical/laser laboratories

X-ray diffractometer

REM/SEM, AFM, various optical microscopes (incl. phase contrast)

Micro shock tube systems, laser-induced, valve generated; at present down to 50 mm diam.

Shock tube diagnostics such as LDI, PIV, shadow graphy, etc.