Teaching LIMMA
Teaching LIMMA
Wintersemester 2021/2022
5.04.202 Atomic and Molecular Physics
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.646 Laboratory Project II
5.04.641a Lasers in Medicine II
5.04.646a Laboratory Project II – Laser & Optics
5.04.652 Hyperloop Technologies
5.04.4661 Spectrophysics
5.04.4673 Hyperloop Engineering
5.04.4675 Optical Simulation and Modelling (Zemax)
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy
5.04.709 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum Engineering Physics
5.04.256a Introduction to Matlab
5.04.256b Introduction to Matlab
Sommersemester 2021
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.654 Hyperloop Systems
5.04.666 Lasers in Medicine I
5.04.4667 Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4671 Tools in Advanced Photonics
5.04.4675 Optical Simulation and Modelling (Zemax)
5.04.4679 Advanced Hyperloop Studies
5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy
5.04.709 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum Engineering Physics
5.04.632 Basic Laboratory II
Wintersemester 2020/2021
5.04.202 Atomic and Molecular Physics
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.641a Lasers in Medicine II
5.04.646a Laboratory Project II – Laser & Optics
5.04.652 Hyperloop Technologies
5.04.4661 Spectrophysics
5.04.4673 Hyperloop Engineering
5.04.4674 Design optischer Systeme
5.04.4675 Optical Simulation and Modelling (Zemax)
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy
Sommersemester 2020
5.04.666 Lasers in Medicine I
5.04.4667 Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4671 Tools in Advanced Photonics
5.04.4672 Hyperloop Messtechnik
5.04.4675 Optical Simulation and Modelling (Zemax)
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy
Wintersemester 2019/2020
5.04.202 Atomic and Molecular Physics
5.04.624a Introduction to Laser & Optics
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.4667 Optical Simulation and Modelling (Zemax)
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced Optical Spectroscopy
Sommersemester 2019
5.04.652 Hyperloop
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.666 Lasers in Medicine I
5.04.4667 Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4668 Zemax
5.04.4671 Tools in Advanced Photonics
5.04.4672 Hyperloop Messtechnik
5.04.4673 Hyperloop Engineering
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
Wintersemester 2018/2019
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.4661 Applied Photonics I / Spectrophysics
5.04.4667 Zemax
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
Sommersemester 2018
Anleitung zum selbstständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
5.04.624a Introduction to Laser & Optics
5.04.652 Hyperloop III
5.04.653 Hyperloop IV
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.666 Lasers in Medicine I
5.04.4667 Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4668 Zemax
5.04.4671 Tools in Advanced Photonics
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced optical spectroscopy
Wintersemester 2017/2018
Anleitung zum Selbständigen Arbeiten
5.04.624a Introduction to Laser & Optics
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.4660 Advanced Metrology
5.04.4661 Applied Photonics I / Spectrophysics
5.04.4667 Zemax
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced optical spectroscopy
Sommersemester 2017
Anleitung zum Selbständigen Arbeiten
5.04.620 Introduction to „Engineering Physics“
5.04.650 Hyperloop I
5.04.651 Hyperloop II
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.4665 Tools in Advanced Photonics
5.04.4667 Zemax
5.04.4667_a Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4667_b Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4667_c Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
Wintersemester 2016/2017
5.04.624a Introduction to Laser & Optics
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.646b Hyperloop
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP/Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.4660 Advanced Metrology
5.04.4661 Applied Photonics I / Spectrophysics
5.04.4667 Zemax
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced optical spectroscopy
Sommersemester 2016
Anleitung zum Selbständigen Arbeiten
5.04.620 Introduction to „Engineering Physics“
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.666 Lasers in Medicine
5.04.4665 Tools in Advanced Photonics
5.04.4667_a Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4667_b Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
5.04.4667_c Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
Wintersemester 2015/2016
5.04.637 Laboratory Project I
5.04.637 Laboratory Project II – L&O
5.04.641a Lasers in Medicine II
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP/Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.663 Medizinische Optik
5.04.4660 Advanced Metrology
5.04.4661 Applied Photonics I / Spectrophysics
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Advanced optical spectroscopy
Sommersemester 2015
5.04.624a Introduction to Laser & Optics
5.04.632a Basic Laboratory II (a)
5.04.632b Basic Laboratory II (b)
5.04.656 Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
5.04.666 Lasers in Medicine
5.04.4054 Laser Technology
5.04.6610 Modern Methods in Optical Microscopy
5.04.6611 Modern Methods in Spectroscopy
70.05.059 Engineering Physics M.Sc.
Veranstaltungen Fachbachelor Sommersemester 2018
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat Hans Brückner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Struve; Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich Teubner; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch; Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg; Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Diekhoff; Dipl.-Ing. Arno Hinrichs)(Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg)
Vorlesung: Introduction to „Engineering Physics“
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat Hans Brückner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Struve; Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich Teubner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Prof. Dr. Ing. Thomas Schüning; Prof. Dr. ir. Simon Doclo; Dr. rer. nat. Detlev Heinemann; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. Birger Kollmeier; Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn; Prof. Dr. Björn Poppe)(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu)Veranstaltungen Fachmaster Sommersemester 2018
Praktikum: Tools in Advanced Photonics
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat Hans Brückner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Struve; Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich Teubner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch; Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg)(Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch)(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu)Seminar: Biophotonics and Spectroscopy
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch )Seminar: Fortgeschrittene Themen in Engineering Physics
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch; Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg)Veranstaltungen Fachbachelor Wintersemester 2018
Praktikum: Laboratory Project I
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat Hans Brückner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Struve; Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrich Teubner; Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Prof. Dr. rer. nat Walter Garen; Prof. Dr. Ing. Thomas Schüning; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch; Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg; Dipl.-Ing. Sabine Tiedeken; Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Wild; Dipl.-Ing. Volker Braun; Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Diekhoff; M.Sc Lars Jepsen)Vorlesung: Introduction to Laser & Optics
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu)Veranstaltungen Fachmaster Wintersemester 2018
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Prof. Dr. Martin Kühn)Seminar: Seminar Fortgeschrittene Themen in EP / Advanced Topics in EP
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch)Vorlesung: Applied Photonics I / Spectrophysics
(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu; Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Koch; Dipl.-Phys. Markus Schellenberg)(Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu)