Working Group Hyperloop
International Vacuum Transport Research Seminar
The University of Oldenburg and the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer are offering advanced research Modules for Bachelor and Master students. Part of those research modules is the “Vacuum Transport Research Seminar”.
The EuroTube Foundation ( and the universities are working on a large variety of research topics in the field of vacuum transport (e.g. Hyperloop) and related areas: magnetic levitation, cooling systems, safety systems, structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, power electronics, communication & control systems, mechatronic & performance research, laboratory demonstrators, transport applications and feasibility case studies. Together with the student team Swissloop ( as the Host, the seminar “Vacuum Transport Technologies” will be held online with presentations from student research projects, as well as talks by industry experts.
Hyperloop Project
In 2015 the students of Engineering Physics from the university of Oldenburg and university of applied sciences Emden/Leer initiated the team HyperPodX and applied for the „Hyperloop Pod Competition“ of the US company SpaceX by Elon Musk. The team participated at the Design Competition in Texas and had the opportunity to take part in the final in Los Angeles in 2018 and 2019. The team was awarded with the Innovation Award by SpaceX for their design and the Nordwest Award of the Metropolregion Nordwest. In total, over 100 students have participated in the project since its beginning.
The team is supported by the supervisors Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Walter Neu and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schüning from the departments of natural science and mechanical engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer.
Finally project gained support by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony. The new EU HyTeC project focusses on shifting towards research and a European large-scale Hyperloop research facility for Hyperloop applications.